


Assembly theory outputs how complex a given object is as a function of the number of independent parts and their abundances. To calculate how complex an item is, it is recursively divided into its component parts. The 'assembly index' is defined as the shortest path to put the object back together.[1]


Calculating the Assembly Index of a molecule is an NP-Hard problem. We've developed a hierarchy of algorthmic approaches to this calculation. […] Molecular Assembly indices are a fundamental quantity in Assembly Theory because they measure the amount of information required to make a molecule. The Molecular Assembly Index (MA) of a molecule is defined as the fewest number of steps required to make the molecular graph by recursively using previously made structures.


Transcript for Lee Cronin: Controversial Nature Paper on Evolution of Life and Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast #404

Lex Fridman(00:15:32) So you’re talking about the factory?

Lee Cronin(00:15:33) Yes. This is really nice, super important point is that when I talk about the universe having a memory or there’s some magic, it’s not that. It’s that tells you that there must be a process encoded somewhere in physical reality, be it a cell, a Tesla factory or something else that is making that object. I’m not saying there’s some kind of woo-woo memory in the universe, morphic resonance or something. I’m saying that there is an actual causal process that is being directed, constrained in some way. So it’s not kind of just making everything.

Lex Fridman(00:16:10) Yeah, but Lee, what’s the factory that made the factory? First of all, you assume the laws of physics is just sprung to existence at the beginning. Those are constraints. But what makes the factory the environment that does the selection?

Lee Cronin(00:16:29) This is the question of, well, it’s the first interesting question that I want to answer out of four. I think the factory emerges in the interplay between the environment and the objects that are being built.


Transcript for Lee Cronin: Controversial Nature Paper on Evolution of Life and Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast #404

(00:52:17) And when you then took it all out, we found that the biological samples gave you molecules that had an assembly index greater than 15. And all the abiotic samples were less than 15. And then we took the NASA samples and we looked at the ones that were more than 15, less than 15, and we gave them back to NASA, and they’re like, “Oh, gosh. Yep, dead, living, dead, living. You got it.” And that’s what we found on earth.


Metabolic Syndrome and Mental Health | Robert Lustig Website

Modern health means metabolic health. The main pathway to chronic diseases today is the breakdown of our finely tuned metabolic machinery inside, due to processed food, lifestyle and – mental health? Stress and depression have potent effects on our behavior and creating imbalance of hormones such as glucose, insulin and inflammation. Poor mental health contributes to the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of common maladies including a large waist, high lipid levels and blood pressure, breakdown of the balance between insulin and glucose, and the most invisible to all, a fatty liver. You will hear from four experts in this area on the important topics of nutrition, optimal daily habits and how to prevent depression and the cascade of dysregulation that manifests as the metabolic syndrome.

Frontiers | Effects of elevated emotional symptoms on metabolic disease development: a 10-year follow-up study (

In recent decades, the relationship between emotional disorders (i.e., depression and anxiety) and alterations in physiological functions (i.e., inflammation or metabolism) have been well supported.