Basic Questions
Why call ourselves a cult?
Simple. We are a religious order neither afraid of nor embarrassed to call ourselves what we are, a cult. Though this term has been used as a slur in the past, it need not be in the future. Oxford Languages defines a cult as “a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.” We are a cult because we venerate the Novel Universe, and are devoted to replicating its physical/spiritual implications here on Earth. In doing so, we hope to convince the world that there are valuable cults dedicated to making this world a better place for all living things.
Why call ourselves a cult?
Simple. We are a religious order neither afraid of nor embarrassed to call ourselves what we are, a cult. Though this term has been used as a slur in the past, it need not be in the future. Oxford Languages defines a cult as “a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.” We are a cult because we venerate the Novel Universe, and are devoted to replicating its physical/spiritual implications here on Earth. In doing so, we hope to convince the world that there are valuable cults dedicated to making this world a better place for all living things.
What is NUC’s mission statement?
To tell a new story designed to model a healthier society.
What does NUC want to achieve?
The segregation of Love and Power on Earth. Building Communities of Bounded Citizens (Love) and Tribes of Free Members (Power), Practicing Representatives of the River (NU) will protect the harmony of segregated populations, allowing each to embody their chosen NU frame– Love or Power. Citizens will be bound by laws created through a Neural-Democracy. Members will be free to create any social structure they wish. Any cultist might spend their whole life in one or the other, but more likely, travel back-and-forth until finding one that fits. NUC’s primary achievement is assisting in the process of a person finding their place in the Novel Universe.