Circle Study
Reading, debating, researching, or otherwise engaging with the Novel Universes Cult’s texts are all considered the practice of Circle Study. The term “circle” is used, not only because our icon is a circle within a circle, but, ideally, Circle Study gathers people together– generally between 2–12 participants– each facing each other in the shape of a circle. For Water Circles, the minimum is three. Why three? Social dynamics between a pair in conversation drastically change with the addition of a third– being in a pair can be perceived as “isolated,” but with at least one other involved, Love’s intimacy and Power’s secrecy quickly evaporate. Circle Study endeavors to elicit both the comfort of intimacy by limiting the Circle’s size, while also maintaining the freedom and security of a group setting.
Every member takes their turn reading a chosen line, paragraph, page, etc. based on a common subject to be discussed by the group. There’s no limit to the amount of text to cover, or number of times the Circle cycles, only that it completes a minimum of one, where everyone speaks at least once. Study material might include any outside texts, religious or not, that may or may not address the subject. For Bodies of Rocks, agreeing on a subject is optional, but for Water, it’s encouraged, though in either case, not strictly necessary– sessions are always open-form. However, any kind of sales-pitch, grandstanding, bullying, politicking, etc. is not allowed on either side of the River. Circle Study is designed to be a healthy, fun, informative session, engaging, not only enlightening information of any kind, but also, fostering relationships of every kind.
Circle Studies should be about a single subject (usually NUC or NUM related), and generally explored through either Topics or Questions. Topics for Circle Studies might include: a summary, personal connection, or a critique of the subject based on some relevant concept or text. Instead of spurring conversation, Circle Study might also use texts to respond to participants’ questions about the subject. For example, a subject like the metaphysics behind life and death would ask, how did we come to be on Earth? What’s the meaning and purpose of life? Or, if the subject covers quantum mechanics– how does Quantum Transience and freewill affect particle motion? What is NUM’s current theory as to how light, gravity, or energy work– what was the original theory, how does it differ from the current one, and why did it change? Although not required for Circle Study, River Sages are encouraged to participate, especially in the latter case when using NUC’s texts to answer questions.
A Water Circle’s minimum of three members symbolize the Concert Hall, a place where information exists as a combination between participants. To fully engage the texts through the framework of Love, one cannot do it alone. On the other hand, a Rock Circle may choose to symbolize the Spiral, having a Circle of one, or Marketplace, a “network” Circle of two or more people. In effect, whenever one engages with our texts, the very type of Circle they participate in reflects their path of study.
General Practices:
Anyone who wishes to study with fewer than two other people, or study the texts from a framework of Power, is unlimited in how or where they do so.
Rock members whose Circle symbolizes either the Spiral or Marketplace may also study anywhere, and at any time, so far as the laws of their Body permit.
Water-Specific Practices:
Members gather in a circle, and, one-by-one, introduce themselves to each other.
Circles may be led by a Sage or chosen member (especially for question-based Circles) but in general, are not intended to be led by an individual, but instead, the fluid consensus of the group, as an exercise of a pure-democracy in action.
Preferably, members will have agreed on the type of Circle and subject beforehand. If not, they will come to a consensus on the subject and type of Circle– either topic-based or question-based. With all members in agreement, the Concert Hall is best reflected.
A silent prayer, and moment of reflection, is held for no more than one minute. Members are encouraged to limit their prayer of gratitude to a single item, reflecting the Circle Study’s subject– either pondering a related topic from the text they wish to raise, or a question they wish to ask.
Starting with the youngest member of the group, each takes their turn addressing the topic or asking a question. The next person’s turn will either be whoever wishes to speak next, or whoever, to the left of the person who just went, has yet contributed to that cycle. Barring interruptions, all members are free to contribute to the discussion at any time, and will be expected to do so at least once. To keep things balanced and flowing, priority will be given through group consensus to those who have contributed less and / or less often.
Placing any item (pen, phone, lipstick) into the Circle, near its center just in front of the member, signals their intent to speak next, with subsequent members placing their items a little closer to themselves, showing that they will speak after those with their items placed earlier. The member’s item will be left until they either speak or change their mind, removing their item as they no longer wish to speak.
Members who, despite their disruptive behavior being repeatedly pointed out, persist in long diatribes, objectionable speech, or monopolizing the conversation, may finally be asked to leave by any participant. A suggestion to leave should be seconded by at least one other person, and then, unless the majority of the group disagrees, the disruptive member will be expected to depart. To some degree, friction and disagreement amongst participants is expected, but toxic argumentation is to be avoided. Furthermore, gaslighting, name-calling, or any form of bigotry is strictly prohibited. Should a River Sage(s) be present and determines the group’s tone to be too hostile or detrimental to civil conversation, the study may be immediately terminated by the Sage(s).
Circle Study will cycle a minimum of one time around the Circle, and may stop at any point after that. This doesn’t mean that everyone must only speak once, but that everyone must speak at least once. Ideally, each will read, recite, or cite some text, preferably addressing the Circle Study’s subject. This could be anything from an extravagant poem, to a detailed technical passage, to a cherished song lyric or quote. We do not require, but instead, encourage the majority of cited texts be NUC or NUC-related. There is no set rule in what one contributes, only that one does, even if that contribution is to simply say, “I’m curious to know more about what they just said.”
Time permitting, the Circle closes with a single-subject prayer, vocalized by each member in turn, starting with the oldest person, moving in sequence to that person’s right until the Circle completes a final time. Prayers are encouraged to be about the subject, but can be about anything the member wishes to share. If time is short, only the first prayer from the eldest is required to properly close the Circle, and in that case, should probably address the subject.
First, read our philosophy to understand out Creed.