NU Model



Fractal geometry is the study of shapes made up of smaller repeating patterns. These patterns called fractals repeat themselves through the use of self-similarity. For instance as seen in Chapter 1, a tree exhibits a similar structure at different levels of magnification. A close examination of the veins of a leaf reveals a branching pattern similar to the whole tree. Thus, we call the leaf a "self-similar" component of the tree. Just as a tree’s overall pattern is carried by its genetic code, so too is a fractal's shape carried by its mathematical code, the equation. In both cases we refer this generating code as its “seed”. With trees in theory we can predict its general appearance--the trunk, limbs and leaves--from its DNA.  However, in practice nature's exact positioning of each item becomes unpredictable as the structure is further removed from the original seed in both spatial distance and time. In mathematics we can determine a fractal's every position, allowing randomness only if we so choose. Often mathematicians and computer artist will introduce some randomness to simulate fractal images found in nature.


In mathematics, a self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself (i.e., the whole has the same shape as one or more of the parts).


[Crackpot Index] A simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics [list to follow]


A varied sample of our wide selection of influences: Lee Cronin– Assembly theory; Michael Levin– bioelectrics; BJ Fogg– Stanford Behavior Design Lab; Roger Penrose– twistor theory; Daniel Kahneman– behavioral economics; Stephen Wolfram– cellular automata; Penny Lewis– sleep research; Rupert Sheldrake– morphic resonance; Anders Ericsson– deliberate practice; John Wheeler– participatory spacetime; Philip Goff– panpsychism; Micheal Graziano– attention schema theory (AST); as well as various religious texts, anything from the Tao Te Ching to TANAKH.