Our Cult Leader

Saint TJ

As we venerate the Novel Universe Model– not a person or thing, but an evolving theory of everything– a contrived character named Saint TJ holds the top job of “cult leader.” With the head of a happy dog, this androgynous avatar of our communal voice ensures no individual might claim to have created the Cult or wield influence over it. We reject any supreme authority beyond that of our membership, whose preferences are implemented by the River– our membership-directed governing body designed to be accountable, transparent, and most importantly, pro re nata (PRN), in other words, comprised of impermanent, expert practitioners subject to membership oversight who act “only as needed.” The United States of America’s motto, “e pluribus unum” (from many, one), is no longer aspirational. In the age of hyper-connectivity, a new mind has been born. Saint TJ is not one of us, representing of all of us. Saint TJ is all of us– one mind, emerging through our neural-democracy.

First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.


Three Bodies of NUC