The Novel Universe Cult is searching for bold, fearless, societal practitioners inspired by the Novel Universe Model who are interested in actively experimenting with sustainable solutions to human existence. Eventually, we believe our efforts will improve, specifically, humanity’s survivability, and welcome all those willing to help us, whether convert or not.
Climate change. Techno-feudalism. War. There are many ways the elite’s rampant exploitation of our global resources creates toxic byproducts that threaten all life on our planet. Power enforces a kind of skewed control, because rebelling against rampant consumption is not Love’s way. Love might view Power as “predatory,” while Power could consider Love “weak,” but resolving the world’s problems is not an issue of dominance, but balance. Until collective action is taken to balance Power with Love, Power stands as it is to dominate the Earth. This destructive paradigm threatens not only humanity’s survival, but the entire biosphere.
Designed for the dire circumstances present at the outset of the twenty-first century, the Novel Universe Cult is different in that we account for both Love and Power, not touting one over the other, but searching for balance on a societal level, while on the individual level, leaving one’s affiliation up to each member’s flexible preference. We acknowledge that each individual might exert both Love and Power, likely throughout their lives, and relative to the other, neither position may exclusively claim the moral high-ground– only Power might successfully fight fascism, while only Love can forgive. It is simply that those who would practice primarily Love / Power will be given the opportunities to do so, as free from existing institutional structures as the Cult might make possible.
Conversion begins with an invitation from a River Sage to become a Candidate, based on the Cult’s perception of that individual’s potential value to the Cult. Because our mission is to create a working prototype of the Novel Universe Model, we are inherently a selective organization. We do not seek to convert the world, nor do we believe membership necessarily has any wider implications for one’s spiritual journey. We also do not seek to exclude those who show a vested interest.
We invite everyone to benefit from our philosophy and creed without asking anything in return. Part of our mission is to share with the world those insights we find valuable. NUC is about building viable, scalable blueprints that can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Therefore, we celebrate any attempt to replicate the Cult in any number of religious or secular ways, and will assist with those efforts as we can, should we be invited to do so.
For those who wish to participate in our mission, converting to NUC should neither be an easy task nor an impossible feat. Anyone who seeks membership may create a temporary profile as a Dedicated Follower, essentially signing up for the newsletter with a viable point of contact (email address or social media profile), and messaging Saint TJ with a personal introduction and reason(s) why they wish to join. Once a Candidate is accepted, the process is formally managed by the Cult, and with progress, results in a series of in-person contacts. Initially, however, a Dedicated Follower can expect to interact member volunteers who can answer questions about the doctrine, develop the Follower’s Cult-related interests, and help with the formal process of consideration by the River Sages for Candidacy. There is no set time frame for this process– even rejected Candidates can remain Dedicated Followers, and forever work with our Cult volunteers in an effort to complete their conversion.
As NUC’s primary mission is to create balance through a living model of the Novel Universe on Earth, all Candidates are selected to become members based upon their comprehension of NUM, a commitment to develop the Cult, and the completion of their conversion– no background will necessarily exclude a willing Candidate. Suspension of one’s conversion happens if one cannot show persistence in their desire to join nor cope with the challenges inherent to any stigmatized minority such as a “cult.”
Over a process of studying the philosophy and forming an idea of where they might fit in, the Candidate participates in the rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations throughout their conversion. Confirming their readiness to become a Wanderer, the process ends with a majority vote of affirmation by a council made up of three River Sages. Once the council has ruled in favor of conversion, an ISD is put to the Cult by the River, and once it expires without rejection, the Candidate becomes a Wanderer. With a successful conversion, they may remain a Wanderer or apply through their Sage to join a Body(s) of Love and / or Power.
First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.