

Legal Supremacy

A core tenet of the Novel Universe Cult is the idea that any harm one creates in life– regardless of intent, fault, or imposing authority– potentially returns as Complete Information in death. For example, participating in the act of incarceration creates a Ripple where one has not only imprisoned someone in mortal life, but also imprisoned themselves in the beyond-life, through the principle of Complete Information. The Cult strives to prevent harm to or from our members, but we do not engage in any form of retaliation or punishment, as these create new Ripples to be accounted for by those committing the punitive violence.

River Sages are responsible for dealing with any member who engages in harmful activities targeting any member / Body of the Cult or outside person / institution. Most Cult conflicts are handled internally, through dialogue and our practice of neural-democracy. Therefore, unless the “laws of the land” violate basic rights, Sages will assist any governing jurisdiction’s prosecution of a member so far as is reasonable, while also assisting with legal council for the member prosecuted. An example of what the Cult sees as a basic right is bodily autonomy– the freedom from murder, abuse (physical / emotional), or rape (genital mutilation / pregnancy / marriage). We do not see ourselves as “above the law.” At the same time, we protest harmful laws, and relish the opportunity to create new solutions to conflict that aren’t punitive. However, we also accept the legal supremacy of the governments under which we exist and those governments’ desires for “justice.”

Any NUC member, at their own behest, is free to serve any judicial, military, or policing body beyond the Cult as they see fit, but all members reserve the right to claim a religious exemption of compulsory service to any such institutions. Under our spiritual doctrine of Complete Information, a member may refuse such roles as juror, deputy, or soldier– roles for which a member might be unjustly compelled to participate in Ripples of Power. One might, on their own, choose to make sacrifices of or for another, but even the State cannot morally compel them to do so.

First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.



