Members may:

  • Identify as any chosen gender without criticism from the Novel Universe Cult’s membership, and may alter that identification at any point.

  • Keep secret any intersectional personal identity, so long as keeping secret that identity doesn’t cause harm to NUC or its members.

  • Use a name other than their legal name for use in all Cult publications and publicly available information, in order to keep their membership in the Cult secret.

  • Don Cult-related (or other) tattoos anywhere on their body, except for iconography related to recognizable hate groups.

  • Form a new Body of the Cult, with the guidance and approval of the River.

  • Belong to any number of Water or Rock Bodies who will accept them.

  • Create any number of River-approved rituals, ceremonies, celebrations, and the like within their Body.

  • Deviate from the standard naming format for their Bodies, with River approval.

  • Remain a Wanderer without pressure from the Cult or its members to join a Water or Rock Body.

  • Refuse to observe any number Cult rituals without pressure from other members or the Cult, excepting the initial commitments of the conversion process.

  • Leave the Cult at any time, for any reason– without formal documentation, financial cost, or social burden– as the result of a direct act, such as verbally renouncing membership, or an indirect act, such as affiliating with an organization that seeks to interfere with NUC.

  • Harass or bully other members for their personal idiosyncrasies or characteristics only if they belong to a Rock Body whose laws permit such behavior, and then, only among said membership and within the domain of said Body.

  • Belong to any other religious affiliation, and practice / venerate that religion outside NUC.

  • Run for office of any government not recognized as a threat to NUC, humanity, or the planet.

  • Have private social, financial, and organizational relationships beyond NUC, as long as these do not actively interfere with NUC or its operations.

  • Publicly criticize, in good faith, the Cult as an institution, its policies, procedures, or other operational characteristics without fear of retaliation or removal from the Cult.

  • Continue to don their River Sage tattoo(s) should they permanently retire as a River Sage.

  • Assist anyone outside the Cult who does not pose a threat to NUC, its membership, or the planet.

  • Expect that any financial, mental, physical, social or other conceivable aid from the River is given without obligation of repayment, even after a member leaves the Cult.

  • Provide any value, financial or otherwise, to the Cult, without limit.

    Members may not:

  • Intentionally use inappropriate pronouns for any person at any time, under any conditions.

  • Harass or bully any member for their personal idiosyncrasies or characteristics, unless they belong to a Rock Body whose laws permit such behavior.

  • Belong to any institution that interferes in any way with NUC’s mission, membership, or institutions.

  • Belong to any Water or Rock Body without acceptance from a majority of said Body.

  • Bully or harass any former member for having left the Cult.

  • Break the laws of the governments in which they reside, unless breaking a law(s) is deemed by the Cult as a basic right.

  • Have any social, financial, and organizational relationships beyond NUC should any of those relationships pose a threat to NUC, humanity, or the planet.

  • Publicly reveal restricted information about the Cult, its members, processes, or procedures without Cult-approval.

  • Publicly reveal the legal name of any member without that member’s approval.

  • Publicly criticize or question a Cult member’s individual beliefs, affiliations, or other personal idiosyncrasies or characteristics without that member’s permission.

  • Withhold any information relevant to the River’s operations.

  • Assist anyone outside the Cult who poses a threat to NUC, its membership, or the planet.

  • Expect any quid pro quo for any value given to the Cult.

  • Expect the reimbursement of any value provided to the Cult upon separation from the Cult.

    Violations by a member may be interpreted by the River as a declaration of separation from the Novel Universe Cult. Should the River conclude that the revocation of membership is warranted, a member considered for such an act will be allowed to participate in final deliberations for the purpose of defending their membership status. Should the River conclude removal is in order, an ISD will be created to complete the process and remove the member for cause. In extreme cases, the process may result in membership being annulled, the individual flagged and monitored as a threat, and further contact with NUC and its membership prohibited. As removal from the Cult has been deemed the ultimate consequence for unacceptable behavior, any individual removed by the Cult for cause will not be retaliated against or made to suffer any direct punishment by the Cult; however, governmental courts may hold jurisdiction over such prohibited behavior, and their procedures / punishments may be applied, with or without NUC’s involvement.

Read our philosophy and TOE to better understand our Owner’s Manual.

Membership Values


Core Tenets


NUC Secrets