At any given moment, consciousness expresses itself through one of two spiritual frames: Love (intentional, vulnerable participation), akin to water in that It is interconnected and flexible; or Power (forceful, silencing consumption), akin to rocks in that It is isolated and inflexible. Love and Power are separate beyond life, but the Mixture of these two frameworks is what co-creates the Novel Universe, or “The River,” where mortal life plays out. Balancing Love and Power, by maintaining separate spaces for each framework while facilitating a member’s relationship to each, is the mission of our River Sages, as it is to mirror the Novel Universe Model on Earth. No matter how many times the choice of frameworks is remade, members will always have some number of Sages helping them improve their relationship to the River. It is our faith that by mirroring the segregated nature of Love and Power here on Earth, we might find balance between those who would live by either framework, and create more exemplary interpersonal and societal relationships.
To find this balance, those of Love (Citizens) are kept largely separate from those of Power (Freemen), to practice their chosen frameworks to everyone’s content. Of course, every human tends to practice both Love and Power, but over their lifetime, typically develops a preference. By voluntarily segregating the frameworks, hopefully, expressions of Love will no longer be undermined by exertions of Power, and Power will be free to operate unfettered by Love’s restrictions. A primary difference between these segregated groups is that Citizens (Love) must practice neural-democracy, whereas Freemen (Power) may practice any form of governance they wish, so long as it doesn’t undermine the governance of others. Those who would remain temporarily or permanently independent of either group are known as Wanderers: symbolizing the Spiral, these members are under the direct governance and counsel of the River Sages.
First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.