NUC’s Central Tenet
The central tenet of the Novel Universe Model is the idea that the tools (Love) / commodities (Power) of the beyond-life might only be forged through a singular perspective unique to the Novel Universe– the Mixture of Love and Power under an informational quarantine (physical bodies). Beyond life, barriers to information are either non-existent (Concert Hall) or self-imposed (Spiral). All Sets have direct access to all data created by their Ripples, and, depending on their framework, they also have varying degrees of access to subsequent, branching Ripples caused by their Ripple’s knock-on effects (see TOE: Role Play). In life, on the other hand, our bodily senses gather and mental systems filter information beyond conscious control, crafting a kind of spiritual amnesia. This “quarantine” of information (we otherwise possess) is the cornerstone of the Mixture’s precious, yet problematic, perspective.
From subatomic particles to human “souls,” everything exists as its own, embodied, limitless pattern: a Signature-Frequency Set (SFS). The SFS isn’t some vaguely amorphous “energy,” but instead, measurable, functional data– not simply the particles in a body, but rather, the way they choose to move; not just potential energy, but how, in particular, it’s directed. As a “mind” capable of steering any number of different “bodies”– the way a driver might operate any number of different vehicles– an SFS is its own, singular algorithm, expressing its eternally evolving preferences, which themselves develop from a unique history, changing environment, and targeted expressions of freewill. Only in mortal life might the SFS assemble the tools / commodities most valued in the beyond-life, where we’re most able to engage them at depths unfathomable to this Novel Universe.
All interactions (Ripples) in the universe and beyond-life create Blocks of the Blockchain– information that can be quantified, combined, and recorded. Toss a rock into a pond, and create ripples. With contact, ripples form additional ripples, reflecting in all kinds of directions. In life, the knock-on effects from our Ripples may seemingly persist or perish, spreading beyond observation, and long as our hearts beat, we’ll never know their full extent. Still, all generated data remains as permanent Blocks of the Instrument’s Blockchain, with each Block “written” into every involved Ledger entry (SFS). However, this data is only fully available in the beyond-life, where no quarantine (physical body) exists.
The Novel Universe Cult neither claims nor aims to lift this spiritual veil, but instead, makes a case that suffering the darkness of this amnesia, within the unique environment created by the Mixture of Love and Power, counter-intuitively has value– if we know “better,” we’ll do better. We can’t make the kinds of “mistakes” that lead to the kinds of novel perspectives we’re searching for, perspectives not possible in the beyond-life. One cannot know the exhilaration of escaping death if one cannot die, any more than one might know the poignancy of reconciliation if one has never experienced violence, conflict, or even a single misunderstanding.
In the Concert Hall, everyone vulnerably participates with perfect information. In the Marketplace, everyone is totally secure in their Spiral, unfettered by who they are. In the Novel Universe, neither POV is true, but this doesn’t mean the universe is broken, and needs to be fixed. How many catastrophes have been wrought by those “enlightened” actors, exercising their “divine” mandate to end the suffering by saving the world? What would the planet be like today if no one had ever fought to save or exploit it, but instead, accepted it as it is, and simply, sustainably coexisted as part of it? Enlightenment– aligning with Love or Power to end suffering– isn’t the point of life. Living life– agonizing over the two frameworks– is the point of life, not in spite of suffering, but alongside its unique point of view.
First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.