In probability theory, lumpability is a method for reducing the size of the state space of some continuous-time Markov chains, first published by Kemeny and Snell.[1]
Random-access memory (RAM; /ræm/) is a form of electronic computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code.[1][2]
(00:12:45) Lee Cronin, “And this is how in assembly theory, we talk about the four universes, the assembly universe, the assembly possible, and the assembly contingent, and then the assembly observed. And they’re all scales in this commentorial universe.”
In mathematics and computability theory, an elementary cellular automaton is a one-dimensional cellular automaton where there are two possible states (labeled 0 and 1) and the rule to determine the state of a cell in the next generation depends only on the current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors.
[The ruliad is] the entangled limit of everything that is computationally possible: the result of following all possible computational rules in all possible ways.
Living in Rulial Space
[...] we can think of rulial space as being somewhat separate, and laid out so that different places in it correspond to the results of applying different rules—with nearby places effectively being associated with “nearby” rules.
A list of physical constants:
The physical constants of our universe are a set of values for things such as the strength of the four fundamental forces, the mass of certain particles, the amount of dark energy in our universe and so, so much more. Just about all of the constant are at a value that allows for the formation of stars, galaxies and planets, which in turn allows for the emergence of organic, sentient life.
Resonance is the phenomenon, pertaining to oscillatory dynamical systems, wherein amplitude rises are caused by an external force with time-varying amplitude with the same frequency of variation as the natural frequency of the system.[3] The amplitude rises that occur are a result of the fact that applied external forces at the natural frequency entail a net increase in mechanical energy of the system.