Physical crystals form when atoms align with geometric repetition– a lattice structure.[i] A time crystal[ii] is a repetition occurring through time instead of space. When Signature-Frequency Sets perform Quantum Transience swaps in coordinated, repeated patterns, they are “bound” together as a time crystal (“energy body”) by a Higher-Ordered Conductor’s operation of the group’s option space. In the Novel Universe Model, the “amount” of energy arises from the number of Node Particles involved in an energy body, as well as the intensity and consistency of their communal “dance.” At the other end, unbound swaps are a sequence of one or more unique swaps in isolation, and represent the energy floor of the Hypergraph– zero-point energy.[iii] These one-off swaps are considered unbound because they do not repeat with any structure, nor do they necessarily occur as part of an emergent energy body.
Quantum Transience Scalability (QTS) refers to the energy body’s scaling of global (whole-body) energy, based on each repetition’s number of participants, the variation and precision of each movement, and group coordination of communal space. For example, there are countless ways 100 people might dance as a group. At the low end of the QTS metaphor, they could all dance their own, sloppy version of the running man, over and over. At the higher end, they could chain dances together in perfect step, doing the cha cha cha, followed by the macarena, the waltz, and repeating the sequence again and again. Either end might be done in a chaotic, unstructured way, each dancer in a “personal bubble,” or they might once more scale the intensity by organizing their communal space, the way a marching band switches the group’s shape, say, between circle and square. It’s intuitive that 100 people, morphing back-and-forth between tight circles and sharp squares, locked in the precise, coordinated, simultaneous movements of the cha cha cha, macarena, and waltz, is far more intense than 10 people chaotically bouncing about the dance floor like little, semi-independent bubbles, each doing their own version of the running man and nothing else.
Quantum Transience Variability (QTV) refers to the intensity of localized energy among Lower-Order Bodies, based on the number of Sets involved, and their pattern of repetition, both its simplicity and consistency. Decreasing the Quantum Transience Variability of swapping Signature-Frequency Sets within a body increases focused energy between its parts (LOB). HRV (heart-rate variability)[iv] is a real-world example of this seesaw relationship. When the heart’s beating with little to no variation, like a marching drum, the energy output is high. Low energy means the heart’s all over the place, lacking any predictable rhythm, like wind chimes in a pleasant breeze.
Energy is the foundational property of emergent complexity, with QTS operating at the emergent level of a Higher-Order Conductor (Power’s Tower), and QTV, on the level of Lower-Order Bodies (Power’s Square). High QTS increases a body’s global field energy; while low QTV increases the LOB’s local networked energy. While both Quantum Transient Scalability and Variability involves the ongoing relationship between any particular level of complexity’s Higher-Order Conductor and Lower-Order Bodies, QTS results from the top-down observations of the HOC’s option space (LOB), while QTV occurs between the Lower-Order Bodies themselves, as they carry out their competent cognition. High QTS is the expression of higher complexity, whereas low QTV is the force behind the high-energy functionality of specific options within the HOC’s option space– like the mitochondria’s process of oxidative phosphorylation. When QTV approaches zero, Sets are locked into a simple, highly-repetitive pattern of swaps (inhibit-inhibit-inhibit), forming the powerful, fourth state of matter– plasma, like mitochondrial “lightning skin”[v] (electrically charged membrane). QTS is a magnitude without a vector, whereas QTV is a magnitude along a vector. For example, QTS is the thunderstorm, while QTV, the electrical gradient forming both the lightning and its pathway. At the level of a human body, a QTS energy paradigm drives the functionality of the parasympathetic nervous system, while QTV, the sympathetic.
The Novel Universe Model’s understanding of panpsychism extends beyond “matter and energy” to their subset: the power behind the very concept of organization itself. This “force” arises from the act of observation, or the applied attention of one conceptual level of complexity upon another– organizer (HOC) and contributors (LOB). The primary component of energy– its most flexible and granular– is the relationship between a Higher-Order Conductor and its Lower-Order Bodies. A group of swapping Signature-Frequency Sets (LOB) assembles as a “body,” bound together by the expressed preferences of that body’s “mind” (HOC). All emergent levels of complexity in the Novel Universe assemble in this way– a body (active parts) and mind (organizing algorithm).
In NUM, choice is key to everything. If there were no agency, no freewill, no ability to have, express, or alter a preference, every LOB would “shut up and get with the program.” In such a case, the determinists would be right, and math would strictly rule, meaning that this would not be a novel universe, but a block universe. Instead of forcing LOB Sets into specific actions, the HOC evaluates the LOB’s array of possible interactions– the LOB’s option space– and “observes” only those interactions that most closely fit the HOC’s preferences, thus usefully directing the body’s communal dance performance. The HOC does not mechanistically micromanage the LOB’s actions, but instead, “bends” option space– like a gravity well that makes movement in one general direction easier, while in any other, more difficult. By narrowing the LOB’s options, the HOC creates an environment where the LOB’s remaining goals nudge the group towards the HOC’s preferred outcome.
Although an HOC Signature-Frequency Set may not get exactly what it wants, through observing the LOB’s option space, it will, from the outcomes available to it, manifest into being those interactions more inline with its preferences. Instead of the universe being a row of falling dominoes, each following a precise set of concrete laws, it’s a noisy conversation between independent actors, expressing their freewill and evolving their preferences. This is not only how energy works, but a reflection of how all Higher-Order Conductors operate their Lower-Order Bodies at all assembled levels of complexity. As light and energy iterate along Hypergraph threads in a dance of Quantum Transience, Signature-Frequency Sets share themselves through emergent bodies, and energy scales from basic matter to elegant cognition, all designed to evolve the Novel Universe’s assembled forms.