Love and Power are, inherently, somewhat unbalanced in the Mixture that is our living world. If things get too far out of balance, they risk collapse, but if everything was in perfect balance, the universe would freeze in-place. Although a state of imbalance is necessary for novelty to happen here, the degree to which this imbalance occurs often creates suffering, and it is necessary to take excursions outside the Cult to witness such extremes. Members on this pilgrimage explore the “commonplace” ideas of various organizations through the Novel Universe Model’s lens.
Each member is encouraged to participate in Imbalance at least once in their lifetime. With the guidance of their Sages, between 3–12 participating members of a Body journey together to a destination, and learn about the ways in which Love and Power are or have been conflated, and, are therefore, in a state of imbalance. It’s encouraged for members to suggest their own locations to attend, but Sages can also make recommendations. Due to the dynamic nature of Imbalance, there’s no particular agenda for the pilgrimage. Instead, Sages orchestrate the day’s itinerary based on the membership’s chosen site, while facilitating discussions of concepts relevant to the site. For example, they could volunteer for a day at an old folks’ home, masquerading as a “loving” facility while actually doing their best to cut costs and turn a profit, or in other words, exert Power over their clients. Although there are admittedly fewer examples of Love “coming out on top” of the Imbalance, a Sage could also examine a capitalist workplace (Power) that benefits from and incentivizes its staff’s sense of teamwork and togetherness (Love).
The point of Imbalance is not to venerate either Power or Love, but to show how these wayward concepts are contradictory and potentially harmful to a Neo-segregationist society. Pilgrims experience how humanity’s one-sided solutions often favor Power’s exercise of control, in things like “tough love” or the grift of charities; but also how Love’s use of Power, often employing the excuse that the ends justify the means, mars the very meaning of Love. When Love and Power are both suppressed, suffering follows, as preferences become difficult to express– something the world outside the Novel Universe Cult can better remind us of.
The Practice of Imbalance might include the group’s attendance or engagement with a:
Religious organization’s service or mass.
Public hearing, such as a democratic forum or judicial proceeding.
Museum, instillation, or exhibit.
Televised speech, lecture, or political address.
Self-help course, support group, or academic symposium.
Trade show, convention, or business.
Advocacy group engaged in a protest for or against a particular issue.
First, read our philosophy to understand out Creed.