Lunar Quorum


When the moon is full, each Body of Love and Power holds an internal gathering to summarize the state of the Body’s pillars, and overall concerns of the Body with at least one River Sage to facilitate and preside over the gathering in-person. If practical, the gathering begins outside, under the full moon, with a ritualized reaffirmation of the Body’s pillars and place in the Novel Universe. Otherwise, that reaffirmation will begin indoors. Due to their small size and limited scope, orphan Spheres and Clades do not participate in Lunar Quorum on their own, but may be invited to any other Body’s Quorum for which the Sphere or Clade associates with.

Every member is encouraged to participate in Lunar Quorum at least once a season, but new members of a Body are required to attend their first three. There is no upper limit to attendance for Quorum, except the capacity of the gathering location itself. If there is a logistical limit, priority is given to new members, River Sages, those with an issue that is actively being voted upon, and members whose attendance has waned.

The first order of business: the Body hears from the Presiding River Sage, who relays the previous Quorum’s theme, and summarizes all resolved / unresolved business from the previous lunar cycle. Then, the Sage announces the theme for the current Lunar Quorum (decided upon during the previous gathering). Themes are meant to be pillar-based, but also to address the Body’s pique concerns / projects. For example, a Tribe whose Primary Organizing Pillar is the sport of football may have a Lunar Quorum themed around exercise regiments or constructing an effective pregame ritual. A Community whose POP is housing the homeless might choose the theme of outreach strategies, or techniques for assessing the needs of a vulnerable population reluctant to share information. It’s also possible that one ongoing vote is so important to the members present that the entire Quorum is spent discussing that voter issue.

Following the introductory presentation, members observe the ritual of Circle Study, breaking off into Study groups, preferably using the Novel Universe Cult’s texts to explore the Quorum’s theme. However, as time is a factor, discussing each raised topic or question is not necessary, and each group only completes a single cycle of the Circle. Members are encouraged to make selections that spur insight, address concerns, or celebrate progress in light of that Quorum’s theme.

The next order of business: the Body reforms. If more than one River Sage is present, a Sage other than the Presiding Sage gives a brief summary of the current Quorum’s theme. If there is only the Presiding Sage, they may be the one to summarize, although the presence of at least one other Sage is encouraged. The summary ends with the Ritual of the Higher Order Conductor, or HOC (hōk). A “talking stick,” representing the HOC, is passed over to the membership, whoever holds it is expected to speak upon theme-related ideas concerning the Body’s improvements, struggles, triumphs, etc. The Higher Order Conductor’s role as the directing “mind” of an emergent “body” is symbolized by holding the HOC while speaking. The HOC can be held by any member of the Body, and the responsibility can freely be passed around. The stick itself is also referred to as the HOC, and it’s designed by the Body, ideally in reference to its POP.

Besides Presiding Sages, a number of Citizens / Freemen are chosen ahead of time to host Lunar Quorums as MCs (Masters of Ceremonies). Members select the next Quorum’s MCs and theme from a previously published list of volunteers and the three most popular themes. The position of MC is a privileged opportunity to create Ripples– experience the Lunar Quorum in the beyond-life from a POV only privy to the event’s co-creators.

The Ritual of the Observer is the process of selecting the MCs and theme, symbolizing observation’s critical role in Quantum Transience. We limit the possible number of themes to three, representing the three QT states– sticky, slippery, and neutral. The actual Ritual’s itinerary is entirely up to the individual Body, and ideally, should be both fun and a reflection of the Body’s character as a whole. Examples of the selection process include (but are not limited to), taking a simple voice vote, picking a random number, or playing a game where the winner decides.

The final order of business: the gathering ends with Satellite Sessions. While sharing a buffet of drinks and snacks to encourage frank discussion, the Body breaks out into impromptu, unofficial groups. Meanwhile, the Sage(s) present mingle with these member clusters, and one week after Lunar Quorum, the River posts a final written summary of the information collected during the Satellite Sessions– this is the Sages’ opportunity to gather those quotes and feedback. Members have this opportunity to offer what they thought was most important, and whether they want their comments on-the-record or not. Like a city-counsel meeting, Lunar Quorum’s primary purpose is to encourage useful interactions among the membership, as a Body, that might not otherwise occur in isolation. It’s imperative that these useful interactions be made available to everyone in the Cult Body, not just those who attended Lunar Quorum.


  • Volunteering MCs, chosen during the previous Lunar Quorum, set up the venue the day of the gathering.

  • Members assemble, preferably outside, under the visible full moon. As long as possible, the gathering takes place outdoors, but may move indoors at any point, should the Body so choose.

  • The Presiding Sage leads the Body in an opening ritual of reaffirmation. This custom-made ritual, with a unique name and itinerary, reflects each Body’s POP and overall characteristics.

  • The Presiding Sage reviews the previous Quorum, and announces the theme for the current one.

  • The Body breaks out into Circle Study groups.

  • The Body reforms to hear presentations about the current theme.

  • Members relay testimonials / contributions / concerns about the theme during the Ritual of the HOC.

  • For the Ritual of the Observer, members select the MCs and theme for the next Lunar Quorum.

  • The Body breaks out for the final ritual, Satellite Sessions.

  • The Presiding Sage, and any additional River Sages present, collect data from the Sessions, while members depart at their leisure.

  • Once the last member has left the Quorum, the Sage(s) and MCs clean up.

  • On the seventh day following the end of Lunar Quorum, the Body’s newsletter is published with the top three themes for consideration and a list of volunteering Hosts to be selected for next time.

First, read our philosophy to understand out Creed.


Ritual of the Branch

