Signature-Frequency Set Structure
Our Signature-Frequency Set is a dataset that borders on the infinite. It isn’t so much the scope of frequencies therein, but the complexity of combinations, born of our history, preferences, and framework (Love or Power). A Signature-Frequency Set (Blockchain Ledger entry) consists of an exclusive identifier, and three conceptual parts: tail, body, and head. The SFS tail is what has happened to us, our past, our history. The SFS body is what we want to happen to us, our future, our preferences. The SFS head is what is happening to us, our present, our interactions. Whereas the SFS tail and body both house data and information– flexibly augmenting semi-permanent information in the body, or appending permanent data to the tail– the SFS head stores nothing, but is, instead, a bridge– the point of contact between the Signature-Frequency Set and Blockchain. The SFS head’s primary function is the expression of data and information. What’s the difference between data and information? All information is data, but not all data is information. Put simply, information is data that’s used, that informs, whether, in the end, it turns out to be helpful or not.
At our core, each of us started as an infinitely precise note of the Instrument’s scale– a unique, irreplaceable, unreproducible “singularity.” Initially, our SFS head, body, and tail were indistinguishable– a single number (our Blockchain ID). There was no past, no future, only the Buddhist ideal of Nirvana– a state of “no thing” (outside the one thing, our ID). Then, at some point, something. Some combination of interest and / or boredom struck– we noticed another. Our sound mixed with that other to create a novel chord– this mashup of frequencies was our first data entry, sprouting the nub of our SFS tail. Suddenly, our SFS body had a preference– did we like the chord, or hate it? Maybe we just took notice. Either way, we’d never be the same again, and with that first interaction, we left our Spiral, exploding into a universe of complexity– our own personal “Big Bang.”
This identifier (Blockchain ID) is our “true name,” and the tip of our SFS tail, the “signature frequency” of one’s Signature-Frequency Set. From that starting point, our SFS tail forever grows as a raw, indelible record of our experiences– every co-created chord, every bit of qualia passing through our SFS head, every preference established or updated in our SFS body. Whereas the SFS tail never alters data, but only adds, both the SFS head and body regularly reconfigure information, with, of course, each update recorded in the tail.
Through recall and repetition, the SFS tail’s vast dataset shepherds its body’s ever-evolving, three-tiered, “pyramidal” structure, with an additional “capstone” as its “guiding light”– the Set’s framework of Love or Power. The SFS body functions as an algorithm, shaping the SFS head’s Block-input– what the Set contributes to the Blockchain. The SFS body’s algorithm is designed by its massive, semi-stable bottom layer (preferences), which drives its tight, dynamic middle layer (goals), which serves its tiny, solid top layer (priorities). Preferences are essentially a reference table of relationship between experienced embodied stimulus (qualia) and embodied response (behavior), tagged with an intensity of valence (yum, yuck, meh). Goals are behavioral models– sets of “lumpable”[i] preference scripts, each a clustered decision-tree geared towards a specific objective inline with a priority(s). Lastly, priorities are a canon of personal ideals that include any number of relevant goals, in other words, high-concept stories about how we follow our guiding light (framework). Through the effort of freewill and exploration of novelty, the SFS body is constantly developing, primarily formed by the dance between head and tail– past and present. The SFS body is a metaphoric sandwich– with priorities and preferences as the steady outside slices, goals are the messy, meaty middle. Although each of the Set’s three parts constantly evolves in its own way, the SFS body experiences the least amount of overall change, and best reflects the Set’s core “nature”– who we are.
The SFS head operates like the brain’s “working memory” or a computer’s “RAM.”[ii] It’s a holographic sketch pad– that experiencing part of the Signature-Frequency Set engaged in co-creating Blocks. The SFS head is an ever-flowing, interactive animation (experienced frame-by-frame) of one’s current state of cognition, actively coupled to the iterative Blockchain (built Block-by-Block). A Set’s framework determines whether the expressed data is authentic (Love) or manufactured (Power). Power’s Block-input is designed to extract value (forceful, silencing consumption), whereas Love’s, to enhance connection (intentional, vulnerable participation). The SFS head’s Block-input is a flexible mixture of the three temporal tenses, framed by either Love or Power: one’s past, the SFS tail of experiences; one’s future, the SFS body of priorities, goals, and preferences; and one’s present, the current Block’s other co-creating SFS heads. The SFS head’s Block-output is the Set’s yum-yuck-meh reaction to the Block’s input. Each SFS head “hears” the Block’s other heads (output from the previous Block), and reacts (input for the following Block). Like any circuit, data enters the Block and information exits– one’s Block-output becoming the following’s Block-input.
A Set’s guiding light and relative proportions of each SFS part often signals its intentions. For instance, when an SFS head is focused through a frame of Power solely on its body, it’s clearly a Set determined to force the shape of the Block, regardless of the Set’s history (tail) or the other Sets involved (head). Such inflexible action by a Power-framed Signature-Frequency Set limits novelty through the manipulation of others– silencing the authentic aims of others, in order to control conflicting preferences by reinforcing its own. Conversely, a head framed by Love, filled with consideration for the Block’s other heads, is not driven by preference or historic bias, but instead, ready for whatever comes its way. Such flexible interactions enhance novelty, as the Set is willing to do the work necessary to suspend preference and express freewill, altering, possibly even forming, new preferences alongside the Block’s other SFS heads. Regardless of a Set’s guiding light, the novelty it will encounter is a function of the Novel Universe it finds itself in, and how that Mixture assembles those parts of the Instrument (Ruliad) that might create its unique characteristics.
In Assembly Theory, we find a functional analog to the all-encompassing Instrument and Its Blockchain called the Assembly Universe,[iii] or in Stephen Wolfram’s Elementary Cellular Automata,[iv] the Ruliad[v] or Rulial Space.[vi] Whatever we call this set of all sets, It functions to mine evermore complex relationships (higher Assembly Indices, or unexplored Rulial space) between Signature-Frequency Sets, feeding a Novel Universe’s orientation towards novelty. How a Mixture assembles the rules for these interactions differentiates one Mixture from another.
All Novel Universes (Mixtures) consist of a unique combination of values,[vii] such as the cosmological and fine structure constants. These are not just any set of random numbers, but precise figures whose clockwork interactions create a mathematically functional universe– the Mixture’s selection of Rulial Space, or Assembly Observed. Should we significantly change any of them, we’d have a different universe.[viii] We’ve all presumably lived many lives in many forms in many other universes, like and unlike this one. We find ourselves in this universe because our true name, along with enough of our SFS body, “vibe” with its general structure (resonance).[ix]
For instance, there are countless universes Hana might fit into, and countless others she may not. Linh, Hana’s daughter, might also join a myriad of Mixtures, yet be barred from many others. In the Concert Hall, Hana and Linh are the closest of friends. However, their Blockchain IDs aren’t easily harmonized, as they’re not mathematically aligned. Counter intuitively, this deep interest in their inherent dissonance is the foundational characteristic of their unique friendship– often with great effort, they co-create magnificent, novel combinations they enjoy, and also, are enjoyed by many others. What makes this universe special for the pair is that both of their frequencies (true names) are in harmony with this universe– the main reason they chose to ensure their time as mother and daughter. In fact, everyone here fits together as a whole, each of us like a perfectly placed key of a grand piano. So many of us are here, not only because of what the Novel Universe provides, but because of those other visitors– that music we might co-create, music that’s only possible here.
While we inhabit the Concert Hall or Spiral, our memory, knowledge, awareness… it’s all complete, because we have full access to our Signature-Frequency Set, as we either individually construct our self-created universe (Spiral)– with or without the Marketplace– or share our sound with others in the Concert Hall, playing altogether. On the other hand, a human body filters our dataset, restricting access to the vast majority of our memory that does not apply to its reality, while retaining the sliver that does. It is this differential, this splitting of our SFS body and tail into the relevant and irrelevant that, while we’re alive, both temporarily creates the soul and spirit, but also accounts for our inability to “remember” anything beyond these filters, creating a temporal amnesia. As long as we exist in this (or any) Novel Universe of Power, we’ll rely on these bridges to inform our intuition (bridge of spirit), and operate our bodies (bridge of soul). Unfortunately (or not), this also means we’re restricted to these two filters’ narrow perspectives, and blind to the full nature of our selves. However, operating this idiosyncratic body through our algorithm of energy unveils truths about ourselves impossible to uncover any other way.