Input Bias
The brain basically operates a unique “voting” system already, as a complex network of individual neurons expressing preferences, where the impact of each voice is often not equivalent to “one citizen equals one vote.” When deciding to retreat from a hot stove, it’s the nerves in the hand whose message matters most, spurring the central nervous system to act without input from the cortex. The near-immediate sensation of pain does not cause the motion of the hand, but instead, confirms the subcortical decision to act independently.
Our form of democracy uses neural-network technology to tally votes on an ongoing basis, and weighs each ballot according to the member’s pertinent relationship to the issue at stake. Through the process of adjustable “input bias,” or the ability to assign weights to voter categories, our neural-democracy’s input bias fundamentally protects intersectional minorities who are greatly shaped by an issue from the whims of an ill-informed, largely unaffected majority– with differing levels of connections to a particular issue, we accordingly increase or decrease the potential impact of each voter according to their category.
Hypothetically, should the matter of building a house be raised in a Water Body, the “biased” positions of those most affected will weigh the most. For example, the category of voters most affected by the existence of the home are those who will live in the house, and count as 2.5 votes per occupant; neighbors, 1.5; and the vast majority of the community who are directly affected far less by the house’s existence, 1 vote per person. However, should it become clear over time that many of those living in these newly built homes are unhappy to some degree, the value of these weights can be adjusted through a “perpetual” process of recalculation by the Body, and prospective occupant voices amplified. After these weights are recalculated, perhaps now the small minority of occupants will have 3.25 votes each, while any other category of voter, such as “neighbor,” may also be further increased or decreased to amplify the effect. Additionally, any current or future vote on any issue / law with these same voter categories may also have those corresponding weights updated. For instance, if the same Body is currently voting on the issue of building other houses nearby, each occupant will immediately go from casting 2.5 to 3.25 votes. Of course, only a studious inquiry of these effects will tell if this was an over correction, and in that case, future adjustments may be warranted.
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