NUC Voting
The Novel Universe Cult’s Creed, like all NUC issues, is expressed by the full membership’s current goals and priorities through our neural-democracy. While the River (Mixture) and Water (Love) require an operational neural-democracy, the Rocks (Power) do not. Should they choose to, the Rocks may substitute our neural-democracy with either the model of the multi-level Tower or single-level Square, and add any subsequent form of authority they see fit. However, when an issue affecting the entire Cult arises, NUC voting uses a “standardized” hybrid democracy, mixing our neural-democracy with the classic one-citizen-equals-one-vote.
Regardless of any intersectional quality such as age, race, gender, etc., all capable members who fit any category of any issue or law, are allowed– encouraged– to make their authentic voice heard through their ballot. Neural-democracy is our attempt at maintaining an ongoing “equilibrium” between the majority and that minority most impacted by any issue– the utilitarian aim of any “good” democracy.
First, read our philosophy to better understand our Creed.
Neural-Democracy’s Other Topics
To better understand the concept, first read in order using the buttons above.